
Friday, November 15, 2013

Instructions: Clothespin Christmas Card Garland

Items Needed:

  • 25 Clothespins
  • Christmas Paper (not included)
  • 25 Buttons
  • Spool of Ribbon
  • Mod Podge/Glue (not included)
  • Paintbrush(s), optional (not included)
  • Paint, optional (not included)
  • Scissors (not included)

STEP 1 (optional): Paint clothespins Christmas colors, if desired.

STEP 2: Decorate each clothespin.  Cut paper to fit onto front of clothespin and use glue/mod podge to adhere paper strips to front of clothespin.

STEP 3: Add buttons to the top part (the part you squeeze to open the clothespin) of each clothespin.

STEP 4 (At Home): Measure where you want to hang your garland and cut the desired amount of ribbon.  Place clothespins on the garland and add Christmas cards as they arrive! 

Enjoy your Christmas Card Garland!

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